About Jovial DIY

我們(Jovial DIY) 於2009 年成立。主要是以傳統手作及天然產品為主。

為了提供最優質的貨品, 我們在*食品、用品也用心挑選。而食品也要配合中國人的時節, 務求令客人可以用/食到最好的健康東西。另外, 本店做的東西不是大量製作, 所以價錢及品質也反映出來的。 


另外, 我們也想作一間良心小企業, 回收你們使用過的果醬/蜜糖/蘆薈樽以及部分本店的盒,地球好, 大家好!

最後, 未來我們將會提供更多不同的服務, 請留意facebook 及本網頁。


Jovial DIY established since 2009. Jovial aims to offer quality and healthy life to our customers.  In order to keep things fresh and healthy, we select the best quality & seasonal materials and some of the foods are organic grow locally.

We hope you would enjoy and love our products. 

In addition, we would like to be an enviornmental friendly SME that recycling some of the jam, honey or aloe bottle and some of our bottle for carrying the jam/sauce we made. It is not only help our Earth but also help ourselves and our future.

Last but not least, we will offer more different kind of serivces in the near future. Facebook and our website will keep you posted!

* Please note some of the corp are grown by ourselves

16 Responses to About Jovial DIY

  1. Miu Chan 說道:

    訂購: 洛神花蜜餞(75HKD 約20 個花) * 1 樽

    我第一次訂購, 是否過數給你後, 再e-mail bank slip 給你就可以 ?

  2. Fok Siu Man 說道:

    HI Cherrie

    是時候入貨了, 想問如要用綻藍, 是否一定先用ORANGE, 如想改先用DARK BROWN, 後用綻藍, 可以嗎?

    • jovialonline 說道:

      Hi Juana,

      不一定, 但henna(橙色) 粒子是比綻藍小, 所以較易上得到色。
      而dark brown 已含綻藍分子。
      當然, 你可以用dark brown 後再用綻藍。
      部份人只係不想做兩三次所以才選購dark brown/rose brown。

      而自己調henna + indigo 也可做到深啡的效果, 大約2份-3份henna 加一份indigo。

  3. Fok Siu Man 說道:

    Hi Cherrie

    其實現在用dark brown 混 rose brown 都OK, 但第一浸後白髮好似難上色, 要第二浸先致上到色, 所以咪想用indigo混dark brown會有滿足感….

    • jovialonline 說道:

      Hi Juana.

      是的, 第一浸是會較難上色, 而多數都要等多一些時間(亁髮後可以等一會/一天如有時間)等她做一下氧化, 再上第二浸,可能效果會更理想。

      我email 給你, 看看明天有需要作交收, 可早上打電話給我。

  4. Jolies 說道:

    Hi Charrie,
    I’m Jolies, living in Tai Wai, hope you are still remember me. It is time for me to dye my roots now. You told me last time that you will charge only short hair if i do my roots. I would like to do it around Jan. Please reserve a day and adv. Thanks!

    • jovialonline 說道:

      Hi Jolies,

      Sorry for the late reply. We are busy on preparing our weekend booth for this weekend.

      Regarding hair dyeing services on Jan and Dec, it was quite full and 10% extra charge on Jan required. I am afraid we might not be avaliable.

      Yes for hair roots will charge short hair. However, if the hair roots (around 4-5cm from hair root) are longer than expected , will count as normal hair dyeing price. Are you insist on doing hair roots only? If it is too long, I also don’t suggest doing hair root and i recommended doing whole head.

      Again, sorry currently we only offer services with the hair length above the shoulder.


  5. Joise 說道:

    HI Cherrie
    我想買rose brown,有貨嗎?怎樣交收呢?請覆

  6. Kiki Wong 說道:

    我想買無患子,可唔可以係荃灣mtr 交收 ??

  7. Connie 說道:



  8. Jessica 說道:


    Would like to know the price and ordering method, pls advise by email, Thanks!


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